Model-Anastagia Pierre. Photographer-Sean Ocean
So this doesn't have much relation to fashion, unless lacy bras and crotchless underwear is now considered couture? Didn't think so. But it's that time of year again, the time where we all drive ourselves mad searching for that perfect card that has the right balance of sultry and sweet. The time where our new year's resolutions to shed those extra holiday pounds, are put to rest thanks to cheap chocolates, that is, if they ever were even alive. And for those of us who don't have a Valentine, it's the time of the year that the ulcers begin to form as solitude suddenly becomes a crisis while we indulge in pints of Ben & Jerry's Chunky Monkey dreaming of David Beckham topless and ask ourselves-What's wrong with me? Why am I single today, of all days? Am I really THAT unattractive? And then there's those of us who repeatedly chant to ourselves that it's just a commercial holiday meant for corporate America, even though the lack of tacky teddy bears embroidered with 'I love you' and bouquet of roses that will be dead by the next morning, slowly eats away at us. And trust me, I'm as guilty as the next of all of the above. But in all honesty, the whole I love you forever-or just long enough until I can get into your pants and have a great story to tell at the office on Monday- Valentine's day
1- Ya know those 24 hour sappy love movie marathons that you hate to love, but can't resist? Without the attachment of a nagging man, you and your girls can freely enjoy! So go ahead ladies, drool over the celebrity eye-candy, we won't judge.
2- You won't have to worry about which heels to wear with that little black dress, the only fashion crisis you may run into is whether to wear your black or blue sweats. Does it really get any better than that?
3- Extravagant dining will not be on your list of activities for the night, and your thighs will thank you for that.
4- The faux smile and "Thank you, I love it!" that you've got rehearsed, won't need to come into play.
5- It may just be a bear and some chocolates, but America seems to believe that just because a stuffed animal is stitched with dingy red hearts and silly little sayings, it should double in price. One of the biggest pros about not having a Valentine, is the fact that you will actually be to able to pay your bills in the month of February AND splurge on those sky-high stilettos you've been lusting for. Thank you nonexistant boy toy!
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